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We are Phil and Amy. We are a book-reading, movie-watching, boardgame-playing, outdoor adventuring kind of family. We have been together since 2006 and have been friends even longer. We met in high school. Phil got up the courage to kiss me at a party. This did not immediately go to plan, but it did start a friendship and eventually a relationship and now we have been together for 18 years and married for 7. We have been on a lot of adventures together, grown apart and back together through our younger years, created so many lasting memories, and endured our share of heartache. In 2021 we suffered the loss of a pregnancy, our fertility and my health all at once due to cervical cancer. As hard as these experiences have been it has strengthened our bond and brought us here to this point in our journey. We know that we are in this together for the long haul, and we are looking for one person with a really big heart to help us achieve the next big milestone in our life: to help us complete our family. Our family is everything to us. We have been blessed with one beautiful son who we adore. He is kind, smart, active and wise beyond his years. He has been asking about a sibling for 3 years now, and we know he will make a wonderful big brother. There is no doubt that this will be just as big of a gift for him as it is for us. Thank you so much for considering us. We are so excited to meet you!
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