Are you between the ages of 21 – 45?

The average surrogate mother has access to receive up to $45,000 for a first time pregnancy and additional for each subsequent pregnancy.

**We welcome “non-mom’s” who have not had their own children but are eligible and embraced to help others grow their families**

How Much Can I Receive For Becoming A Surrogate Mother?

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After entering your email, you’ll be taken directly to the calculator where you can get an approximate calculation based on your life situation in around 90 seconds. Please note, the number provided is a cumulative total.

Surrogacy Canada Surrogate Fertility Consultants

Canada's Strongest

Surrogacy Support Network

ANU Fertility Consultants Canada Surrogate Ashley Surrogacy Calculator

I thought the calculator would be difficult to use or ask too much personal information, but it only took about 60 seconds to use and was actually pretty comprehensive!

I am a surrogate because I love helping people, but the reimbursements I received during my surrogacy ensured that I would be able to take care of myself during the pregnancy. I was able to manage my budget differently and it gave me much more financial freedom during and after my surrogacy.

How I make surrogacy simple, every time...
Lorraine Smith ANU Fertility Consultants Canada Surrogacy Surrogate Egg Donors

Hi, I’m Lorraine.

Here’s the brutal truth about surrogacy/infertility:

The average intended parents wait 8 painful years to find a surrogate. 

Could it be next week? Could it be tomorrow? Imagine waiting in limbo for years, not knowing when you’ll find your match so you can finally start your family.

On the other side, thousands of Canadian mothers could be a perfect fit, but you’re just not sure if you can do it…

“…isn’t being a surrogate expensive?”

“…will I get attached to the baby?”

“…can I give birth in my own town?”

I had the same thoughts when I started my surrogacy journey in 2005. A close friend of mine was struggling with infertility, and I couldn’t stop thinking “What if that were me?”. 

I wanted to help, but I couldn’t afford to pay for everything on my own. In fact, I wasn’t going to be able to pay for almost anything on my own – all I had was my blood and sweat and tears to offer (and more practically my uterus 😂).  

It’s illegal to get paid (ie. make a profit) for being a surrogate in Canada, so I felt stuck. But then I found out that surrogate mothers’ expenses are reimbursed, 100%. 

From living expenses to post-birth recovery! It turns out I wouldn’t need to pay for anything at all.

Surrogate in Canada Reimbursement Surrogacy Canadian Fertility Consultant ANU

It wasn’t about money for me though. It was about the heartbreak of imagining those parents not able to give love for the better part of a decade.

Remember when your child farted on you? I do, and I wanted to help someone else experience those precious, hilarious, gross moments too.

If you’re serious about seeing if you’d be a good surrogate, I’d love to have a comfortable chat and see whether surrogacy is a good fit for you. You’ll get all the info you need to make the best decision for you and your family (and hopefully for the new parents too!)

Before you’re ready for that, you need to know how much you’ll be reimbursed throughout the process. So let’s start there.

Bonus #1:
3 Reasons Why Surrogate Mothers DON’T Get Attached To The Baby

Bonus #2: 
The 6 Expenses That Are Covered During Surrogacy (And 3 That Aren’t)

Bonus #3:
Do I Qualify To Be A Surrogate Mother? (Quiz)

Try The Calculator: How much can I receive for being a surrogate mother?

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